Most of us if not all are suffering through something difficult, someone has lost a dear one, someone has had a bad break up, someone has done things that they feel endless guilt about, someone has had a divorce, someone is suffering from body dysmorphia and list goes on.
When I posted this on my Instagram it got the most interactions compared to my other posts. So, it made me think why everyone is depressed and sad.
This article is for those who think that things are always going to stay messed up and that they’ll never see the bright side of life.
In the Islamic tradition, the night precedes the day because it is believed that before light there is always darkness. Without darkness you can never truly appreciate the light. When you haven’t seen the darkness, and always been in the light you might say your grateful for it but if you truly appreciate it, you’ll cry yourself out. And for you to truly appreciate the light you need to experience the darkness. Now we say that people value things more when they’ve lost it, so if you had known what it’s loss would be like before losing it you would’ve given it the importance that it deserves. But when it comes to light and darkness you can never know the true value of light without having been in darkness.
There is always going to be light after darkness just like how the sun always rises after setting. But what do you do about the darkness that you’re currently in? How do you reach the light? The answer is Time. Being happy after something tragic takes time, it’s not an overnight thing. And time needs time to happen (if that makes sense to you).
How do you deal with the overwhelming emotions that won’t go away no matter how much you shake them off? DON’T shake them off. Instead feel them, let them flow through you, just be still for a while. When you understand what you're feeling you can figure out what to do with it. There are 2 options for you after you’ve figured out your feelings. If it’s something in your control, then work them out and if it’s not then just let time take care of it. Don’t think that feeling negative is bad and that you need to get rid of it. Just let it be as long as it’s there and get along with your work.
Embrace the darkness as if it’s a half of you while the other half is the light. When you truly understand what your darkness is you will find the light that’s within you.
Everybody goes through a bad phase in their life at least once. There’s no avoiding that, if you think that’s unfair then it is. That’s just how life has been, and how it will always be. Those who rise above it continue to live and prosper but those who succumb to it die, either by killing themselves or due to illness caused by their negative feelings, even if they live, they won’t prosper.
If you want the ‘Time’ to happen fast, then keep yourself busy. Do what you love, do what’s necessary. Most people who lose are those who fail to do the necessary because of their overwhelming emotions. This is also why you need to not try to shake them off because that’ll never work, instead let them be there, when you realize that it’s not something you can control and just let them be, it’ll make it a lot easier for you to do what’s necessary.
Remember if you don’t give up, you’ll get through. Just think of it as a necessary part of your life in order for you to genuinely appreciate the light that is to come.
Thank you for reading. Hope you enjoyed the read.